Yarn Bombing Gallery
Yarnbomb Installation: $200
Size: 8ft x 6ft
Heart installation, flower installation, logo installations

They burned my heart, but resilience is to make smaller hearts…. it’s crying.

Compilation. Can you see the four different artists?

The Vancouver Foundation Neighbourhood Small Arts Grant during COVID - and of course I approached it with humour.
Wonderwomen and Supermen, we are all strong than we think

Sitting next to a logo representing the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver.

215 indigenous children were found buried from the residential schools in Kamloops in May 2021. I placed orange hearts everywhere.
Remembrance day, poppies, wall art, street art, my art.

Mother’s Day, Rest in Peace Mom.

A day out yarnbombing,

BLM. It used to say “Be Kind”, now it says “Be Kind, Like Me”.

Filming with CTV (check out the interview under “Press”)

Park and Recreational yarn bombing with friends.

A moment captured after yarn bombing photo-op.
This is what happens when you don’t wear a mask.

Vancouver Arts Foundation - $500 - COVID - Wash Your Hands.
Vancouver Arts Foundation - Grant for COVID - art to help people get through COVID.

First yarn bomb I've ever installed. This is how it all started. Lost a friend to suicide, I felt a need to tell people to be kind to each other.